The benefits of a combining a Business Center, Corporate Training center, & Coworking Space answer the needs of 3 professional categories that can create synergy, and offer a win-win-win for all.
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Welcome to Coworking in Monastir
Come spend some time with your new co-workers, fellow entrepreneurs, and friends. Entrepria is exctied to serve the businesspeople of Monasitir as the first co-working facility in the area. Offering 3,000 square feet of office space, you have the option of working alongside like-minded, progressvie business people in the many common areas and outdoor work spaces.

Why Coworking?
Out of the 24 hours in a single day, 8 hours are spent sleeping, and 16 are spent awake. 8 Hours of work per day means half of your life is spent working, and we want you to be happy, productive, and comfortable. Co-workers can offer free insight and be sources of creativity & inspiration. Co-workers offer different ways of thinking, and people outside of your organic network can challenge you in new ways. Co-workers can hold each-other accountable, unlike the pressure of a manager or office politics. Interact as much or as little as you want.

Benefits of Coworking
Entrepria offers an official, well-resourced place to meet clients, and your clients can be people you meet through referral at the co-working space. Co-workers are welcome to have resumes on file for companies that would like to hire. For startup companies, Entrepria offers the benefits of having an office, without the expense and time of setting one up with utilities, furniture, insurance and the ongoing expenses of cleaning and maintenance, or the commitment of a long-term lease.

Should I Work From Home?
Have the ideal mix of working autonomously from home, blended with collegiate and community atmosphere, without any of the bullying or rumors that often permeate through a structured organization. Working form home can get lonely, or your work and personal life can intersect and it will be difficult to pull away from your responsibilities. If you are buried in a laptop alone, it will be difficult to get new ideas. But in a co-working ecosystem, you can have friends 20 years younger or older, different genders and different cultures, offering a unique blend of experiences and skills that can help multiply your creativity, versus having the same people in your industry that create a “Group Thinking” mentality.